Hit an all time new low: piece of cheese, a piece of torrone and a glass of wine for dinner


Well-known member
Officially the ennui took over but it feels like there is no food in the house! My pantry is stuffed with stuff but, you know, there's nothing to eat. It was strangely satisfying though (hanging her head with shame).

I know what you mean. Had the same type of day too. Just couldn't find anything to eat. Is it

water? LOL

My favorite conversation that includes the word "ennui"

From The Gilmore Girls, Season 1


L is Lorelai, the inn manager,
Michel is the snobby French male concierge. (NOTE: You must read his lines with a snobby French accent for full effect.)
Sookie is their brilliant, but flakey chef

(The phone is ringing. Michel is leaning on the front desk. Lorelai places a large stack of folders on the desk and starts separating them into piles.)

L: Michel, get that please.

MICHEL: I cannot.

L: Michel, we've been over this. We all cover the phone, that includes you.

MICHEL: Don't misunderstand. I want to answer it, I truly did, but today, today I am suffering from ennui.

L: Ennui?

MICHEL: Severe ennui. You know what ennui is, yes?

L: Yes. Um, Webster's defines ennui as a lazy soon to be out of work French concierge who won't answer the phone.

MICHEL: Look, I've had my peace with the fact that everyone who calls here is a notch above brain dead, and that the pennies I am thrown each week are in exchange for me dealing with these people in a nonviolent manner. And usually that is fine, but today, sorry lady, I have ennui.

L: So, you're sleepy?

MICHEL: It's a metaphysical angst.

L: So, you wanna go beddy bye?

MICHEL: You make light, it increases my ennui.

L: Okay, that's it. Come on...you need coffee.


(Lorelai walks in with Michel. Sookie is at the counter looking sad.)

L: I need coffee! Extra strong!! Double cafe!!! Triple cafe!!! No, forget the calf. Throw in the whole cow and serve it to this man right here! (pause) What's wrong with you?

SOOKIE (spoken slowly and sadly): I don't know. It might sound a little weird, but I think I've got . .

L: Oh no.

SOOKIE: Ennui.

L, turning to Michel: You explained ennui to her.

MICHEL: She asked me what was wrong with me earlier, so I told her.

L: Michel, you know that Sookie ends up thinking she's coming down with whatever illness other people else have.

SOOKIE: Nuh uh!

(Lorelai hands Michel a cup of coffee and he leaves.)

L: Oh no? What was that whole conversation last week when I had to convince you you didn't have a prostate.

SOOKIE: Oh. How is Al?

You know what they say about instant ramen... If what you're cooking costs less than ...

...the gum you're chewing, you might want to upgrade a bit.


Too funny! It's only an occasional indulgence...It was too cold, wet & nasty to make

myself stop at the store. Then, somehow it was already eight o'clock & everything was frozen.

Oh, it must be something in the air! I was eyeing a bottle of sparkling wine

to go with some popcorn just a few nights ago. ANd yes, I have a full pantry and freezer - just nothing sounds good.

that almost absolves my dinner of chocolate cupcake and wine last night. it was good wine - doesn't

that somehow elevate the meal?

I had a bottle of Clarion from Casa Rodena in Rancho del Albuquerque , NM

their wines are great. Grapes grown on the banks of the Rio Grande, you have to love that....

Nope! tonight I'm having "finally got off my lazy butt and cleaned out the pantry" chicken soup

with dried chicas (like posole but without the lye processing), rattlesnake beans, chicken and green Hatch chiles from the freezer, smoked red onion and dried gujira chiles and a big lump of frozen fresh peeled tomatoes from the summer. And water of course. Smells great so far! Wondering if it's too early for a beer (before 5 here)!

I'm going to have to check out that cookbook. I still have a few bags of chiles left then let the reordering begin!! So far my favorite thing to do is mix the chiles with scrambled eggs. Oh, and over a really runny brie, that was last Friday and it was so good... mmmm. chile.... smileys/bigsmile.gif
