Home Bistro meals has excellent customer service. I ordered some meals for my Dad and got 2 confirm


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confirmations. So I emailed them to check and make sure I didn't make a duplicate order. they promptly replied today and assured me that it was a glitch in their system with a duplicate reply and thanked me for the order. I had also sent a bit of a mini rant(nice one) about the "not mailing to Alaska but to Hawaii" bit, and they emailed me today with a perfectly good explanation. Seems some areas of Alaska will not accept shipments with dry ice, but they suggested I make the order and chances are that where I live they will ship. Well, I wasn't going to order for up here, Dad lives in Indiana, but it just irked me. So long story, but I am very pleased with their service, so far.http://www.homebistro.com/Default.aspx

I just got an e-mail from them, free shipping until Dec 4 if

your order is over $100.00. Doesn't all have to be sent to the same address.
Ang, where in Indiana does your dad live? My mom lives there too. She could cook for him! She's always cooking up a storm for the church she goes to.

He lives in Lowell/NW Ind. He would drive her nuts though. My little sis lives a few blocks away.
