Homemade Pop Tarts...has anyone done this? The picture is mouthwatering. I used to love pop tarts.

LOL!!! Ok, that was my good laugh for the day... I'm sure no actual dogs were harmed in the process

"Desserts by the Yard" by Sherry Yard has a version that she made for

Campton Place Hotel in San Fran when she only had a toaster oven to work with. (I'm still trying to figure that one out.) Her book is at the library if you need a recipe.

Also, we just saw them made at "Nickel Diner" in LA. I liked how they sprinkled dehydrated strawberries on the top. Sounded wonderfully pungent.

There's a recipe at the link I posted. These look interesting, too. Thanks. I doubt I get up the

energy or courage to try either, but I bet they're both really good.
