Hoping to hear updates from our Northern CA people - hope all is ok!

Update- from Kelseyville, Lake Co. (more)

2 days of advisory evacuation, 3 days of mandatory evacuation, 2 more days of advisory.
Food, gas ran low. Livestock , animal feed.
Electricity outages (we pump our well water, heat over 105 degrees.
Fire remained at least 4 miles away, I'm back tonight to evaluate smoke, ash damage and regroup.
For those who are closer to the fire lines, or having the fires moving towards them , the danger is real and continuing.

I returned to my property on Sat night and (more)

just now drove the Hopland Grade seeing the fire's path for he first time.
Kelseyville is safe; lots of ash, lots of smoke, lots of cleanup.
Thanks for the concern; this is the closest I have been to a major fire and it's scary!

Does it smell like burnt brownies? That's what FL smelt like in our 1999 wildfires. And not in a

good "a bit extra well-done" way. This was bad.

Very glad to hear you're safe.
