*Horror Vacui* (more commonly known as *Nature Abhors a Vacuum*) has just been proven by moi.


Vacuum theories have been around for as long as...well, vacuums. I'm not talking the Dyson kind. I'm talking the "black void of darkness where nothing exists" kind. I'm talking Aristotle bumming everyone out about nature feeling the need to...fill.

Otto von Guericke, Sir Isaac Newton, Gottfried Leibniz, Albert Einstein and Hobbes (the scientist, not the imaginary tiger) all studied vacuum theory. But I just proved it here in my little 8 by 10 foot kitchen.

Four days ago I removed a 14.65 pound frozen turkey from my pull-out freezer drawer to create some room.

14.65 POUNDS! That sucker was huge (and half-priced in November) and right now its spatchcocked carcass is air-drying in the refrigerator.

But, wait...is there a 14.65 pound space in my freezer??? Hell! No! It's totally full and once again I have no room. Where did the emptiness go to? Where is the void? Where is the Halloween candy I hid back then?

It's no wonder Socrates drank hemlock. He probably couldn't find any room in the ice cave either.

I understand ....I have had the same experience. I take out a huge rack of pork ribs

or a large chuck roast, and go back in to find room for something and cannot believe something bred in there and the empty space is gone.
Our kids are amazed when they come home and look around to find 1 large sub zero refer/freezer loaded, and an extra refer and another freezer in the laundry room full. Not to mention my extensive pantry space.. Yes, for two people! I cook!

Nada. Roasting it, then packaging it for trip to PA for Mom's 90th birthday. Also taking that

already cooked 9 pounds of fennel pork and whatever else I can find. My brother and his three boys will be staying at mom's too and I have 5 other siblings that live in PA coming for her party. So food will go and my freezer will be free'd.

Lol, so true. Same with when I have to empty a shelf looking for an item. Can't load it all

back on the same shelf, even though it's missing the item I removed.

We ate our freezer down. . .Then I filled it with 28 lbs frozen sour pie cherries! . . .

husband is nagging for pie. smileys/wink.gif

It’s the so-called freezer drawer that’s the culprit. I swear I hate that thing…

Nothing fits right because it’s a freezer drawer at all things go to die in there. I swear I can’t buy anything on sale because I have to stop and go oh yeah it won’t fit in that damn freezer drawer.

It’s that drawer because it can’t possibly be me – right? smileys/wink.gif
