How come my white chocolate is not pourable?


Well-known member
I am using fresh white chocolate chips and I am able to melt the chips but it is not pourable. it's just real thick and comes out of a pastry bag as if I am making eclairs.

Add some oil to it oli- that should help

If that doesn't help then maybe you "over-melted" it

I'm not much of a baker but I did Google your issue and found lots of answers, one was adding cream

Have you tried that?

Did you use chips or melting chocolate? Chips are more difficult to melt without

overheating, as Cathy mentioned. Then you would get a thicker result that would not be pourable.

I wouldn't recommend chips. They are designed not to melt easily. Most stores

now carry the Ghirardelli melting disks. I've seen them at Walmart, Publix and Michael's (craft store), with the price increasing at each. Even a chocolate bar would melt easier. If you have to use chips, I'd suggest a TBL of Crisco or solid coconut fat.

Also, *white* chocolate is even more tempermental when melting. The hotter

the ingredient gets, the more solid it gets...until it crumbles.
(written from valid experience).

If using a microwave, use a lower power rating, use 30 second limits, stirring in-between to distribute the heat and finally, use a HEAVY microwaveable plastic (like old Tupperware). Glass or thin plastic will transfer too much heat. Again, spoken from experience.

Don't add *cold* liquid to chocolate that is hot. It will seize immediately. Heat

the cream first to boiling and add slowly to thin. Or add the cold cream to the unmelted chocolate and bring them up to heat together. Note: adding cream will turn it into a ganache, so it won't harden like it would if you added a solid fat, like Crisco or Paramount Melting Crystals, designed to thin coating chocolate.

I used chips, they melted just fine, but it is obvious it needs thinning to flow.

Chips have paraffin in them to keep them being ''chips"--they don't really melt--maybe "soffen".
