How do I ensure wooden twigs are safe to use in food? [real question]


I know I' times, but this is an actual question. Our local electric coop puts out a magazine and last month's recipe was 1" cubes of sweet potatoes wrapped in bacon, then broiled...with a real twig as the serving method. A tray of them looked very "fall-ish" and as I'm a big fan of Garnet yams AND bacon, I'd like to serve them that way.


I've been weeding my hillside and am definitely sensitive to something here. Blisters on face and arms, but no itching (so not poison ivy).

This brings us to my question: How do I know which twigs are safe to insert in food? And what about itty bitty bugs? Should I put the twigs in the oven first to sterilize them? (because I can see the news headline already: "City Hick Burns Down House By Starting Wood Fire in Electric Oven.")

God, I was not meant to live in the woods.

Was there a discussion of that here but for candied apples? Saw it some where. Do you have birch

Trees? I remember birch as being a source for some sort of food product. I used to put pine cones in the oven, very low temp to kill insects. I wonder if a weak vinegar solution would work.

What kind of twigs? I have not seen any recipes with tree twigs, only have seen Rosemary twigs.

Your community should have some sort of a department you can call, to find out about such things. Look online for your city or county departments. One of them should be able to tell you whom to call.

M, & have me smiling, first thing(!), again 2day! I never would have given that a thought, but then

I grew up in a wooded area in the middle of a farm and do not have allergies so guess that must account for the difference.

I guess I would merely swish the twigs through some soapy water, rinse them thoroughly, and let them air dry before using them--IF I would think to do anything to them at all! (Please know that I DEFINITELY would have done this if I were using them for appetizers for a catering client.)

I'm sure you took a twig or two and did marshmallows over a fire!! LOL I realize

YOu may be asking about "safe" trees, but I think you're pretty safe. No need to sterilize IMO.

I don't even want to tell you what happened when I tried the low oven thing. I'd wash in a vinegar

solution before putting them in the oven!!!

Very true. Camp Loleta, in fact. But that's sticking the wood into fire which would sterilize it.

This idea just takes sticks and uses them as handles in already cooked after all cooking is done.
