How do you add a layer of cake to the center of a cheesecake?

Well, without really looking at it I would say two skinny cheesecakes and one skinny

cake layer all made separately.

I have one that is a chocolate cake "crust" ...

and cheesecake then cooked on top of that. The cake is baked partially, then the cheesecake is poured on top and it all finishes baking. From looking at the picture, I'm guessing that this is the method they used. They made two of them, then placed one on top of the other.

So, CathZ, if I understand you correctly....

you are saying, bake the crust first, then partially bake the cake. Then pour in half of the unbaked cheesecake, put down your partially baked cake, then lastly pour the rest of the unbaked cheesecake over the top, then finish baking?

No- that is not what I meant

I would use two pans and bake two thin cheesecakes. I see by the photo Michael posted that the bottom layer is cake- and that there are two cake layers and two cheesecake layers total so I would use two pans and bake two thin cakes at the same time- so now you have four pans. Then you "stack" them to finish- one layer of cake, a layer of cheesecake, a layer of cake, the last layer of cheesecake.

You would need two cheesecake pans- the kind with removable bottoms- in order to pull this off though I think.

Junior's cheesecakes do that a lot. Here is one version with a sponge cake layer.

The sponge cake is baked, then the cheesecake filling is gently spooned on top and baked.

I think if you want to have the cake layer in the middle, it would be 3 separate cakes, with the first cheesecake layer mostly baked, then layered with a baked cake, then the last layer cheesecake spooned on top and baked.

That sound like it will work, thanks a lot. Now its....

a matter of finding out how long to bake the partially baked layer.

A cheesecake has a firm top around 35 minutes into the baking. I think it would be safe to layer

it them and finish baking.

I just wouldn't have a cake pan that big that could handle 3 layers!
