How do you store fresh ginger root?

I freeze it in a good freezer container. When I want to use it...

I take it out and grate it on a small grater I have that does wonders with fresh ginger. I've done this for years, and it works well for me.

If you slice some of it before you freeze it you will get A LOT of juice from it. . .

when you pull it out of the freezer in those frozen slices. I lay frozen slices on a warm place and when it defrosts in a few minutes I run it through a garlic press for juicy stuff.

Great tip. I occasionally run across recipes for ginger juice. This looks like a perfect solution.

My friend stores hers in the fridge in a small jar of rice wine vinegar. Keeps indefinitely.

seems the vinegar would be great in a dressing--Asian Cole Slaw??

or marinade? think it might be fun to start some and replenish vinegar when you use it??


That too! Also, since many of the things I use ginger in end up being Asian,

it's a great way to preserve the nob of ginger until I make my next culinary foray.
