How does one properly clean a honey dripper wooden stick?(let's keep it clean-it's a serious ??

OK, I would take it out and put it into a cup of hot tea, then wash it in hot soapy water after all

the honey disolves into the tea.

Honey is anti-microbial by nature. Crystallized honey has been found, intact,... vessels buried with Egyptian royalty.

The only thing you need to do, if the honey dripper is only covered with honey and no other contaminants, is to rinse under hot water until the honey is gone and wash like you would a wooden spoon. Dish washing liquid... a good rinse... air dry.


I just heard the other day that Alexander the Great was transported to his

final resting place in a coffin filled with honey.

Sounds good--thanks! I wasn't sure if it was wet for a while if it would crack. I'll try it!
