It's a tradition now that I make every kid in the family sugar cookies shaped like their birthday number. I tend to end up icing the day before and the icing often isn't quite set for stacking/travel by the next day. (Plus, by then I hate that I offered to make them b/c I forget icing is such a pain.) However, I'm always worried about freshness, so tend to make this same mistake over and over. I want that to stop. Plus, we are thinking of putting them in goodie bags this time, so ahead of time so we can pre-bag them up with ribbons would be better. What is the magic window where these will be fresh, but firm enough for travel?
I'd like to do them as far ahead as possible this go round because I'm almost ready (90%) to offer to do cupcakes as well, which with my bad feet and need to pace myself is likely crazy. Nothing new there though.
I'm thinking I can make the cupcakes ahead, freeze them, then iced them - what? the day before? Is that too soon? Too late? I'm going to have to find some sort of way to transport them in boxes b/c I'd need to make at least 50 and I don't have much flat trunk space so firmer set up icing would be better -- so should it sit up a day or so? (This party is in a pubic park 20+ mins away and I've also been asked to come a few hrs early to help set up.)
FYI, once done nothing will fit in the fridge.
I'd like to do them as far ahead as possible this go round because I'm almost ready (90%) to offer to do cupcakes as well, which with my bad feet and need to pace myself is likely crazy. Nothing new there though.
I'm thinking I can make the cupcakes ahead, freeze them, then iced them - what? the day before? Is that too soon? Too late? I'm going to have to find some sort of way to transport them in boxes b/c I'd need to make at least 50 and I don't have much flat trunk space so firmer set up icing would be better -- so should it sit up a day or so? (This party is in a pubic park 20+ mins away and I've also been asked to come a few hrs early to help set up.)
FYI, once done nothing will fit in the fridge.