How fast can you make/ship cookies for Valentine's Day?...(more)...


I feel like someone that just roped a calf, throws their hands up in the air and shouts: Time!

Decided at about 2:30ish? That I should make cookies and send them to surprise mom for Valentine's Day. So made both sugar cookies and chocolate chip cookies, which I made, chilled, baked, screwed up (cc cookies do not form hearts - mostly) re-baked, roped and tied and got to FedEx before the last pick-up at 6:30pm with 15 minutes to spare!

I know, share or it didn't happen - excuse the mess and bad night point and shoot flash. BUT? there is *moar* cookie dough in the fridge!

These shipped to mom + cc cookies:

These are a plate of leftovers/trial/error that didn't make the cut:

Happy Valentine's Day tomorrow...



WOW! Those are beautiful! We are the polar opposites - I still have the

shortbread hearts I made for my mom sitting on the drying rack with the glaze drying.

Made the dough Sunday.

Rolled and Cut Monday.

Baked Tuesday.

Glazed just now.

Aren't going to make it for the big day, but I hope she'll love them anyway. smileys/smile.gif

Oh not so fast...

Made the dough Sunday. (I thought about it on Sunday)

Rolled and Cut Monday. (Planned to make and ship on Monday)

Baked Tuesday. (I thought some more about it Tuesday. Also, felt guilty about not getting it done.)

Glazed just now. (Today: major guilt sets in. Too late. Can't possibly afford to overnight them. That's insane. No, really - that's insane. And? My feet hurt like a mofo...but nothing new there, so if not now, when? Well, let's see how much it would cost...$9? Runs around like a bat outta hell... Also? Discovered my refrigerator has a built-in timer thingy that beeps at you and makes you wonder, where the h*ll is that noise coming from? -who knew?)

So yeah, not all that different.
And I'm sure your mom will love them!

I did a quick glaze so they'd dry to pack, used these cookie molds on a whim...(more)...

First, I've had these molds since 1980 something. I rarely use them (maybe twice?) because the dough sticks and I end up swearing like a sailor, but after coming across some hints online thought I'd try again. Couldn't believe it worked, but the cookies looked nekkid. So I made a quick wet glaze with PS/food coloring and water. Painted on with my food brushes, but the best part was when I used some of that disco? diamond? whatever dust for fondant that I brushed on some of the damp glaze. Really took it up a notch and I'll be planning to use that again with some forethought involved next time.

Tips to use the cookie molds...

1) oil lightly before flouring, which I'd always tried to do, but I think the light bulb came on when they said it's the flour not the oil that will be what releases it, so the oil is there to just barely get the flour to stick. I knew all this before, but it got me to go even lighter with the oil. I poured a small amount of oil in a bowl, then tipped it, then barely ran the tip of the pastry brush over the tiny oil residue that hadn't puddled. Finally didn't over oil the mold. Finally the cookie dough didn't stick to the mold. In the past I wanted to throttle the mold after trying over and over again to get the dough out.

2) Use a standard baking sheet, not the air bake ones I normally use. They some how make the cookie more cakey and as such, the design is less defined. Mine were always puffed and not well defined. Once I wrestled them outta the molds that is. The tip actually said use an un-oiled baking sheet, but I used a silpat.

3) Hold the mold completely vertical when rapping it to get the cookie out. That if done on the edge they won't break so you can rap pretty hard. I used a towel folded on my counter, because I didn't want divots in my cutting board.

Honestly, I'd completely given up on these molds decades ago, but they were too pretty to get rid of. I have a few others too. Think I might've *finally* gotten the hang of 'em. Or, it was some weird freak one-time only success.

If I'd planned ahead think I'd coat the back of these hearts with chocolate - how pretty and delish might those be?!

found the helpful hints here (scroll down)

Note, they will try to sell you the books in PDF above that Brown Bag has on their site for free.

Also, in that photo of them putting oil on the mold? Way.too.much oil. That's how I use to do it, put it on and wipe with a paper towel. Cookie dough stuck like nobody's business. This time I put on so little oil you couldn't really even see it. Then I wiped with a paper towel that soaked nothing up because the mold already has so little oil on it. Somehow before even if I cleaned them, wiped them, whatever...if I got too much oil at first: game over.

After all that mom didn't get the package! The front desk lost it, so no valentines for mom. smileys/frown.gif

I'm so ticked. FedEx delivered it at 3pm yesterday to the front desk at mom's place, but she never got it.

Trying to get them to track it down, but $%^!...and now, after calling back while they were "looking for it" they just claim, well we don't have it and don't know where it is - the end. WTH? FedEx says it's the weekend, so nobody can check on delivery till Monday.

