How long do hardboiled (not peeled) eggs last in the fridge? Or how would I know


Well-known member
they are bad? I was planning on making deviled eggs for tea, and ran out of steam. So, they are in the fridge.

I am now thinking of making egg salad, deviled eggs or Cathy's pickled eggs..... How long will they last? Days.... weeks? Thoughts?



Maybe I'm naive, but we used to keep dyed hardboiled Easter eggs out on the counter for an entire

week. Not even refrigerated...and they were always fine.

And in England, eggs are displayed and sold from the regular pantry shelves, not the refrigerated aisle. They consider the eggs hermatically sealed inside their shell and safe for consumption.

So I would imagine they'd last even longer in a frig. But then, I'm not the one who's going to be eating it.

I have eaten 2-week old hard-boiled eggs (from my frig).

The same for me, a couple of weeks in the fridge. . . and--

if you are truly worried, cool the hot eggs quickly in an ice water bath and get 'em in the fridge ASAP.

I would hesitate to keep them longer than a week - unless you got them directly from a farmstand.

I know "back when" we used to not refrigerate eggs, leave them on the counter, etc. with no ill effect.

Factory farming has changed the process so much, that the possibility of contamination has increased since the time when we were closer to the source of that things we eat.
