How long does chocolate keep?


I have quite a bit of chocolate that I keep on hand for baking (some $$$$), but I don't bake as much as I use to so don't turn it over as fast (plus I can no longer eat it). It's stored in a dark lower cupboard - how long do you think I can keep it before it should be tossed?

(It would be very sad for me to throw away chocolate.)

I buy it in 11 lb. chunks and it keeps for months. I store it in food saver bags and keep

it in a tin can in the basement. I just looked it up, and it depends on the chocolate, but it can be 2 years.

Maria, I have quite a few chocolate books and 2 years is valid for quality chocolate.

Even if the chocolate develops a "bloom" it's still okay for baking. The bloom is simply fat rising to the surface over time.

Always smell the chocolate. If the fat has gone "off" you'll know.

Dark chocolate lasts indefinitely in a cool, dry place, well wrapped. Milk chocolate and

white chocolate have a much shorter shelf life.

I've had dark chocolate stored away for years, and while I noticed a difference in the texture, ie, it wasn't as creamy as when fresh, it was absolutely fine when melted and used for baking, ganaches, etc.
