How much sausage do I buy for 10 people with some leftovers?

I'd be doing 2 for most big people (& men) plus one for women or little people.

I would eat one, my H would eat 2 but if they were really good, he'd eat more. And he was not chubby, he just liked them.

I'd do two dozen, since you don't mind leftovers. I find sausage disappears pretty quickly

If you have college-age boys around make it four dozen.

The problem I'm having is that the little store that makes it

sells it in one giant link. I'm looking for an amount in pounds, please.

I Italian sausage is usually 7-8 oz and one is more than enough for me.

Will you be able to cut the lengths yourself? Because I'd be more than happy with a 4 oz piece and would only eat another if I was really hunger. I'd prefer sides to more meat.

8 lbs would give you 16 normal large-size pieces...or 32 4-oz (my preference)
