How much would you price good condition hard cover cookbooks at for a garage sale.


Well-known member
My service org is having a book and bake sale during village garage sale weekend. I know cookbooks usually sell better than other books and the money will be going into a scholarship fund. Still, I don't want a table full of cookbooks at the end of the sale.

Whaddya think, guys?

Cyn, here's what I just paid at our libraries bake/book sale:

The Perfect Recipe by Pam Anderson = $2
Craig Claiborn's Classics from the NYTimes"= $5
Mrs. Wilkie's Boarding House Recipes" = $1

Magazines sell for 10 cents, unless they are really new. Then they are 50 cents.

I've also bought several used ones off Amazon from the Tacoma Hospice Association. Paid ~$12 + shipping for that. Logging the books into Amazon might be a way to go, unless your group can't be bothered with the shipping aspect.

Thanks, Mar- I think we'll try 1.50 and just keep reminding people it's to benefit the

scholarship fund. BA, CI, Fine COoking and Gourmet will be 10/1.00

I was happy to pay 2.50 for a South Beach Diet book, and thought I got a steal. You can always

mark them down after a few hours.
