How to cook/bake food marinated in soy sauce or balsamic vinegar? Mine always burns.


Over the past week, I marinated flank steak and then shrimp in a mixture of soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, mustard and oil. Delicious, but when I pan fry the protein or bake it in the oven, the mixture burns and that in turns toughens the protein.

I really like this taste, but is there a better marinade that won't give me this problem?

I cook a lot with soy sauce, and use a flank steak recipe which has soy and apple cider vinegar

but it never burns. I believe the culprit is the balsamic because it will burn. The recipes I have used with roasts, say to rub the balsamic well into the meat, and use sparingly. As for veggies you roast, I never put balsamic on them until they are finished roasting and removed from the oven, then I drizzle the balsamic over them. Once balsamic starts to burn, it goes fast, so needs to be removed from the oven or heat before that happens. Personally, other than a good rub on any beef cut, I prefer to drizzle it at the finish. It is great on meats you put in a slow cooker, as well.
I was thinking too, that many mustards contain sugar which would add to the burning process.

Do you blot it dry before searing? I marinate a lot using soy, sugar, worcestershire,

garlic, ginger, oil.. When I take it out it isn't super wet with the marinade and doesn't burn--just crusts the meat or fish (salmon).

Yes. I blot because I read that meat won't sear well if it's wet. You have no balsamic in your

recipe so that may be my culprit.

I just put a piece of flank in a baggie with veg oil, soy sauce, wine vinegar, dijon, black pepper and some garlic powder. We'll see how this goes without the balsamic.

Damn. I hate cooking red meat just for iron levels at blood donation.

Tried that. Didn't work. Neither did spinach or beans or iron pills. Red meat is the only thing

that increases my iron.

Whoa...that looks like a kidney stone about to happen. How lucky you are to be able to eat all that.
