How to separate eggs...

I'll spare you my canned ecological rant about plastic water bottles. IT'S TOO FUNNY.

Did you ever see "What's Up, Tiger Lily?" It was Woody Alan's first movie. He bought an existing Japanese spy thriller and re-dubbed it in English. He could have had a lot of fun with this.

Worked like a charm! The only problem was

that I made a 6 egg white omelet and by the 4th egg the plastic bottle was pretty bent in and didn't have the suctioning power it did in the beginning. But very, very cool.

I'm gonna have fun showing this trick to family:)

Thanks Michael!

The entire time I was watching, I was over-dubbing her: "Ha! You Imperialistic Pigs! While you

watch this and wonder at the marvel of vacuum theory, I am secretly downloading an encoded virus that will take over your computer and force you to buy poorly made Chinese steel. Ha! Take that, you swine!"

(sorry. I can't help what goes on up there.)

The way I separate eggs is to put one on the

stove and another on the counter. tee hee I think of this joke every time I hear "how to separate eggs".

Yeah, I guessed. Will continue to use my fingers as. . .

I have too much "stuff" around my kitchen as it is!

(More bottles I do not need. . . )

And DANG--that reminds me of the no-stick spray and the pizzas at where I work. . .

We cook pizzas at work on those holey pizza pans. Used to be that whoever cooked stepped outside to spray the no-stick spray on the pans. Boss, who said she had generally tried every time/effort saving method/device around in that kitchen (been there 30 years!) was shocked when the new "girl" came in and when time came to spray pans, opened a used pizza box (pizzas are frozen in boxes of 10 or so), braced it kitty corner in the trash can near the stove/ovens, placed the holey pan in the box and then sprayed. Clean, close to the ovens and--shock, SHOCK--the boss said she had not even EVER thought of that. Boss said she wished she hada thunk of it!

Jacque Pepin separated a bunch of eggs by cracking them all into a bowl, then he scooped out

the yolks, one by one with his hand. that was in that episode 109 this week on Create where they were cooking with lots of egg whites. He also gave the tip to crack the egg on a flat surface, not on the edge of the bowl---fewer errant eggshells that way.

Funny--the flat-surface way is the only one that works for me! Lots of shell bits, otherwise. smileys/smile.gif

Neat party trick, but by the time I'd get that set up, I could have already...

done my usual breaking the egg into the palm of my hand and letting the whites run off into the whites bowl, and then tossing the leftover yolk into the yolks bowl. Works every time in about 5 seconds.
