Howdy. I have missed you all.


Well-known member
It's been months since I've been here. Most of my social media interactions are all on Facebook now, so I forget to go elsewhere. But I am making Traca's Whipped Feta Crostini tonight for a potluck and thought that I should really check in.

It's been a long summer; I've done mostly nothing but work--haven't even been doing much cooking. But part of the reason for that is because I haven't been here reading all your glorious recipes. So I resolve to be more present.

I hope everyone is well; looking forward to catching up.

Yes, Liam is 6-1/2 now. He started school last week; so far, so good.

I'd heard some terrible things about his teacher from other parents, but he seems to like her so we'll just see how it goes. Said he loves school and has made some new friends.

Time does fly!
