Hunkered Down "Hors'derve" Yummy.....


Well-known member
Friends from a catamaran are here for the night being their first time in a poss. I decided to make an idea I heard about that is very appealing to me..a non-lover of blue cheese....


Wrapped slices of peeled and cored pear in proscuitto and baked them as is.

Made a sauce by using cream, blue cheese and 'cooked it back' then added some sherry and a wee spot of sugar, salt and a little more salt. Then added butter to thicken. Added some chopped walnuts.

Served the crisply baked slices on spinach salad leaves, drizzled with the sauce .../and had a couple bottles of wine....

(NO Marg, not just me, alas, but all of us.)

This was really good and I would certainly offer it for a charter meal.

But I would toast the walnuts and sprinkle them over the plate and add a twirl of lemon peel when plating.

So far we have had lots of rain, some wind and are now off to bed....BUT OOOOPs....we were told the water was being shut off at 8pm so filled some buckets and the DH said "I" must watch the bath did jnot overfill. I told him "Huh! I am cooking, you must remember" Neither of us remembered and we have a minor flood, inside and the rain outside...well, it is a wet night, isn't it?????

Hope you still safe, even if wet!! That sounds wonderful, copied and saved. I make one with

arugula or spinach layered with proscuitto, chopped figs, and Stilton. But your's may boot this down the list!

stay safe,

have fun hunkering down! like Swiss Family Robinson. and "Twirl"---I love that word. remember

twirling as girls with our full dresses all spinning about? sigh. do little girls do that these days?
