Huzzah! My eBay Dutch oven arrived and is in pristine condition! Making a posole shopping list. :)

I am so excited for you! I am glad that it was in pristine condition. Perfect time of year to

enjoy it. Take a look at Molly Steven's recipes from "All about Braising". I borrowed it from the library last year, and enjoyed it. She discusses techniques, etc.

Great book for the winter!!

Congrats on your purchase! I am sure you were checking your mail/looking for the shipment every day!! : )

Thanks, Barb. smileys/smile.gif I'll put Stevens's book on my list!

I was pretty shocked because I'd only paid for Parcel Post shipping, so didn't expect to receive it before the 12th--but then the seller wrote to say she'd added delivery confirmation to the package, which, in her experience, expedites the package to something like Priority-Mail speed but without the cost! I'll have to test the tip myself sometime.

But yes, I have a whole lineup and can't decide what to make first. smileys/smile.gif

By the way, I just caught up on your power-outage woes--I wish I'd read earlier and offered to help! Hope all is back to normal.

Was thinking of you and Sandra yesterday. I was in NY; beautiful day. Pampano's or something like

that. I ordered Churassco. YUM! Guacamole was wonderful! dh had the Halibut. Really tasty. We started the evening at a wine bar somewhere between 52-53rd and 2nd and 3rd. The restaurant was literally around the block. I know I have the name wrong, but it began with a "P." Very good fancy food. Yuca Fritas, paella, etc. Fun nite and lovely evening to be in the city.

All is back to normal, but we are doing serious consideration for budgeting for a generator. Never want to go through that again! (Thanks for nice offer of assistance)
