I am almost afraid to say, might jinx it? Now set to depart Seattle July 7?? sure ready!

I am almost afraid to say, might jinx it? Now set to depart Seattle July 7?? sure ready!



Well-known member
Dawn, at Breadtopia he has a starter using pineapple juice and whole wheat flour.

It seems to be a worthwhile try and he sells it at a good price if you don't want to try on your own. I read someone had bought it and it was soooo bubbly!

I love sourdough am gonna get started myself soon on it again.

Hi AngAk.

I did see the thread, and remember posting some of it.
Was there a particular reason you were hoping I saw it?

I wish I still had my starter going, but it languished too long in the fridge without any attention. I'd have to start from grapes and flour again...unless some kind soul who has some of my original would care to send back a bit???

this is like mine except I cook the potatoes in the water and then drain. One I have now was started

in 1998 and is one of the best I have ever had. I take a small portion in a zip lock to work.
The remainder at home has several times turned almost black. I just feed it, discard half, feed it again, and so on till it is somewhat presentable.

I remembered you knew quite a bit about starters. I thought you might have some help for Dawn.

Thanks Ang, I looked through...REC: Sourdough Bread Starter

all the posts and decided I want to start with a simple sourdough starter, just to get started. I found one on Zaar, that has had good success and I have everything on hand. Does it look okay?Here it is:

Sourdough Bread Starter
Recipe #13750
This is your basic Sour Dough bread starter to be used over and over again. Look for the sour dough bread recipe to make use of this starter
by Bergy
4 days | 4 days prep

1 starter

1 (1 tablespoon) package dry yeast
2 1/2 cups water
2 cups flour
1 tablespoon sugar
Dissolve yeast in 1/2 cup warm water, rest for ten minutes.
Mix in flour, sugar& remaining water.
Allow to stand, loosely covered, in a warm place for 3 or 4 days. Use a large (preferably ceramic) bowl as it will rise considerably.
Every time the batter is used to make a product set aside 1 cup to be used as a"starter" for another batch.
Keep covered in the fridge (a pint jar works nicely).
To make it into a basic batter again, add another 2 cups flour& 2 cups warm water and allow to stand at room temp overnight It is now ready to use, but again reserve a cup of the starter.

