I am feeling so uninspired to write about food when there is such sad news around us.

Please don't say sorry, don't think sorry. We are all just sharing with you and hoping it might help

a bit.

Well put. When send things happen, the things that used to give us pleasure

just don't seem to matter. The body is a machine, and it needs fuel, and The brain needs things that make us happy even when we don't want to be happy, like chocolate or bacon. Maybe we should share some of our favorite comfort foods, the things that you can eat when you're feeling like the world is falling around our ears.

I think I need a comfort food! Dr. has me on steroids for a bad case

of bronchitis right now but I think all it is doing is making me crazy!! Not sure I should be around knifes right now. (I'm laughing as I write this so don't worry...;o))

Red sauce pasta--with lots of fresh parmesan. Possibly more cheese than anything else. Possibly

the pasta is merely there as a vehicle to transfer the grated cheese to my mouth.

Have you ever had pasta coated in butter, salt, pepper and tons

of Parmesan? Now, that is heaven!
