I am looking for some recipes: Multi-grain Ciabatta Rolls, Sourdough starter, and a good rye bread

Dawn, here is a link to the starter recipe I used. Once it is going strong, you can switch to white

flour if you wish, or split it in two and have one whole wheat, one white. I keep it unattended for months at a time in the fridge, then when I need it, I start a few days in advance, feeding it several times until it rises up quickly. Then I know it is awake and ready again.


And here is my recipe for Sourdough Rye. As for the shape of the ciabatta, I think they start with a

rolled out dough and cut it into squares, which rise into pillow shapes. It my require a second rolling to keep the middle from rising higher than the rest--- I've never done it so I'm not sure.
