I am making peach jam now, and used brown sugar instead of white. Will


Well-known member
that affect things too much? I don't think so, but wanted some opinions.

I didn't add anything except peaches, brown sugar, and a little lemon juice (and pectin). Only making a couple of jars.

I decided to keep it simple this time, but if I try it again, any suggestions for spices to add? Ginger, maybe. Cardamom? Maybe even hot a little jalenpeno, if I use it over cream cheese. Would be a nice change from syrupy sweet jams, I think.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Just one question though. Do you cover

the closed jars with water while you water-bath process them? If you don't close tightly, wouldn't the water seep in? I've always been afraid to "can", and just make freezer jams and jellies instead.

It's time I made "big girl" jam. lol

Yes -- you cover the closed jars with a couple of inches of water in the canning vessel --

Water doesn't enter the jar and neither does the stuff leak out. Screw the ring on the jar, don't tighten it. While processing, the remaining air in the jar escapes through the loose lid. Tighten the ring when the jar is removed from the water bath after processing. As the jar cools, you will hear a 'pop' when the button on the lid goes down -- the vacuum created by the processing contracts the volume and pulls the button down. The rubbery gunk on the lid is softened by the heat of the processing causing the seal. After the jam or whatever is completely cool you can remove the ring. Any jar that has an unpopped button must be re-processed or used at once, kept in the refrigerator.

Did the brown sugar make the jam an ugly color? I used brown sugar in place of white last week

making peach muffins. The color is off putting to me.

Not really. It's looks like what I think of when I think of peach butter, not jam, but

I'm not sure that it would look much different if I had used white sugar. I cooked the fuzz out of it (teehee) because test drops didn't freeze in the freezer until after about 40 minutes. Not sure what the difference is between peach butter and peach preserves anyway.

But no, the color wasn't ugly. It was light brown sugar; maybe you used dark?
