I am speechless. Finally getting a laptop and successfully logging in to the swap..


Well-known member
It is a good thing that dh and ds are asleep, because i'd have to explain why I have to wipe off the keyboard with nearly every stroke.

Your messages have been such a blessing. Your caring is huge and it has lifted me so many times when it all seems so impossible.

I was at home on sunday when the call came from a friend that our neighborhood was being evacuated. Ed and my son had left in the morning for chicago to bring his storage home. We had just loaded the garage with the boxes stored for 10 years that contained the stuff we had collected overseas. I was so happy to have the house (1 month moved in) to myself!

I went to get the backupdrive from the computer and called my son on the phone. He and dh said for me to "GET OUT". Well, I grabbed the cat and pitched him in the car - his bedding food and water dish. I could see the black smoke clouds coming down through the pine trees out back and the orange reflection of the sun on the sidewalk. So with the cat, I left, grabbing the evac briefcase as I locked the door.

Traffic jam getting out of the neighborhood, and road closings. I didn't know what to do, so I went to ATT and bought a charger, then to pet store for litter and a litter box. Driving around I found friends and we sat in a coffee shop trying to make sense of things. I spent the next couple of nights with friends until my family returned. We just got confirmation that the house was gone yesterday - nearly a week after it all started.

We are in a hotel in Austin. Today we were told it would be Thursday afternoon before they will let us in to our section of town.

Home Depot gave us shovels and sifters. Great image, eh?

Y'all are fabulous. I was so upset to lose all my notes from Gail's and FK - It may be months before I am set up to cook again, but I am heartened that the board is up and running and that you have been retrieving some of my posts. You are so right about spatulas and tongs!

I love you all. Invitations for shelter, your plans to send rescue items and even cash. I am overwhelmed. Thank you for all your caring.

To everyone: back up your files, use an off-site backup; get your photos on flash drives and remember that most of the stuff is just stuff. Life goes on. Friends are precious.



So glad you and the cat are ok.

I have been worried as has the rest of the swap family. I just checked in to see if eat.at was up and running yet, because I was hoping for info on you.

So glad that you and your family were out of harms way. Living in the desert, we've seen what happens when someone doesn't get out in time.

God bless and know that we are thinking about you and yours.

Our hearts go out to you Pat, for

all that you are going through. You are very much in our thoughts and prayers. I'm so happy that you and your family are okay.

I see lots of new spatulas and tongs in your future. smileys/smile.gif


Oh Pat, it is soooo good to hear from you - I'm sending you an email...

You've got a package coming your way and I'll email you to get the best address.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We know you've got a long road ahead, but you're part of our Gail's/Finer/Eat.At family and we're here for you.


((Pat)) Big hugs and tissues for you. As you said, things are just things..Family, pets and friends

are precious.

While I can't imagine what you are going though, take comfort in knowing you have support.

I look forward to your posts on how to cook in a hotel!



Pat, it's great to hear from you! I have a letter-size something all ready to be sent to you. Should

I send it to your PO Box?

Pat, glad you and your family and friends (and kitty!) are ok!

Any wish-list items we can help with?

Take care of yourself--

(((Pat)))) So grateful you and your loved ones are safe.

I am so sorry about your house. We have all been so worried, the news reports have been so scary. I'm so glad you were able to get away safely. We have been just positively beaming good wishes and calm vibes to you hoping our little efforts will help you get settled and get through this trauma. please let us know how it's going and how we can help.


So relieved that you are all safe. That is what really matters. It will be tough but you will all

get through it together.

Pat, So wonderful to hear from you, happy to hear the most important news that you and your family

are safe.

I'm so happy to hear you and your family are safe. As you say - that is all

that really matters. Know you will find the strength to get through each new day. I'm sorry for your loss and keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. Lori

Pat, so glad to hear you and your family are safe.

I'm just logging on after a week away so had no idea what was going on. I'm so, so sorry about the loss of your home but I'm so glad you all are safe. As you say, it's just stuff.

PLEASE know that we're all thinking of you and your neighbors. Chin up!

Glad you're okay. We also lost a house to a fire. A few tips that might save you time and money.

Most significant, I wish I'd had the time to get OUR animals out of the house. That loss was far worse than any loss of goods, memorabilia, etc.

So, this assumes you have personal items to be recovered. If that's the case . . .

1) Clothing that is merely smoke damaged can be cleaned back into existence if it is 100% natural fiber only. If there is any man-made fiber content, forget about it, you'll never get the smell out.

2) Kitchenware that is smoke damaged can be reclaimed with any variation of steam-cleaning (an auto body repair shop might be able to help you) or a good, long soak in Simple Green. We found that after about a week of soaking, many things just rinsed clean.

3) Once you have a place for them, I have a pile of duplicate cookbooks in need of a good home.

