Ask HeatherSF for ideas. When she gave me a tour of the SF farmers market, there were several
stands selling breakfast dishes that looked wonderful, and she knew what they all were, and how they were cooked.
If you want to try a gas stove, I recently purchased a little portable gas burner ($20.00)at the local restaurant supply, that uses a small gas cartridge, and I can fry all sorts of stuff in a 10-inch pan very easily. The gas can be controlled from L0 to HI. I use it to fry stuff outside, on my patio, to keep the grease out of my kitchen and house. A local Sunday Brunch place uses two of these burners, and prepares omelets, on the spot. The chef has his eggs beaten and an array of veggies and omelet additions ready at the table. You tell him what you want, and your omelet is cooked to order in a matter of a minute or two. He can keep two omelets going at the same time.
If you want more info, let me know, and I'll ask him.