I came in after dinner and (lame) theatre...


Well-known member
Second City Chicago must have sent the people they collected off the street! I just sat there staring in disbelief at how not funny they were. The polite citizens of Cincinnati in the audience smiled and were polite.


But, I had so much better time looking in here than I did on FB. I was reading through all the posts, a big grin on my face...

then I went over to FB and, well, that was enough....

I'm back 'ere! I really appreciate this group!

I became impatient with the political stuff on Facebook. Some dear friends see it...

...as much as a vehicle for their political agenda as for their social interractions. Awhile back I would engage, but I realized that it's not much different than discussing religion or politics during Thanksgiving dinner. It wasn't really productive.

That's ok. I wouldn't tell any of my friends how to handle their FB postings. I don't even bring it up. I just change the settings so I don't get their "updates" on my page all the time.

I enjoy the social side of FB. Old friends, new friends, people I haven't talked to since high school (or even early childhood) and even some relatives half-way around the world. That's my preference, and as long as FB allows me to block what I wish to block, I'm good.

Things eventually change, as we all know. We'll see how long FB remains functional for me.

I agree, Richard, this place is wunnerful.

