I cannot remember who recommended Montreal Steak Seasoning, but whoever it was, thank you!


Well-known member
I love that seasoning. I marinated a pork tenderloin last night with dry vermouth, olive oil and Montreal Steak Seasoning, and it turned out fantastic. I also marinated a bunch of vegetables in the same marinade, and grilled them too. Everything was delicious. Especially the grilled cauliflower, a little hard to skewer, but well worth the trouble.

My husband loves that seasoning, he uses it on steaks. He was kind of apologetic for buying

it again when there are so many Penzeys blends in the house, but said it's the best pepper seasoning he's tried. I must agree, I love the steak! Thanks for the tip on the pork and veggies.

We love it too! Buy it at a Costco, if you have one near you -

way more economical, and you can always share if you think it's too much smileys/smile.gif
