Hi Sandy! Nice to see you. I've just uploaded a photo of Stonehenge.
I'm on my MAC and at first I got a JAVA error at PhotoBucket when I tried the bulk uploader. Small text in the error message said to shut down the browser and reopen. No problem that time.
Nice to see you too Mar! Stonehenge... love it! Was there at crack of dawn
in 80's on a travel business trip on a chilly morn...
I'm going bonkers! I followed your advice but still get Java script messages. I've tried every which way and spent waaaay too much time last night but not quite as much tonight.
I had this shot of AngAK's garden as my desktop background for years.
Love, love, love it and always wished it had those arrows like in the magazines saying what plants are which so I could try to plant all this in my yard.