I changed my name to dianncy64, not much of a difference :)

Changed mine, spellling backwards, sorry bad, really bad, still tired and had some wine, hehe

I know, this last name is really a conversation opener. I love it - I know when someone is callin

me because they'll say Dianne Cer Cerk and thats as far as they get and I know they mean me, or sometime to have fun I let them take a stab at it then I laugh. Some just say: Dianne and you know who I mean" I love that one smileys/smile.gif I have even made a game of it, I offer this" I'll give you a dollar if you say it correct the first time, never have I paid the dollar. It has been butchered so much and my absolute favorite was when I was in a crowded doctor's office the receptionist said "Dianne Cervex" hahahahahaha I still laugh at that one, I've been calle Cervenicky, Kirkavick, Sir Kack, to name a few. It's said (phonic) Serve a nick, so easy but so halarious when people butcher, I laugh and have never ever took offense. So much fun

I have the opposite problem: My last name, Corso, is so easy to pronounce that no one can believe

their luck. It's pronounced Core-so, just like it's spelled, but wary people think it's a trick. I get Caruso, Corsico, Corsco, Costco etc. I answer to all of them.

and I'm not even going to tell you my first name... let's just say, that's where 'cheezz' came from

No, not really. If they're first-timers, they usually just get a hollow laugh and a dirty smirk >>>

but if they make a habit of it, and
do it every time they see me, then I
have no problem letting them know that
I think they're a total moron.

Okay, so now we have to guess. Mulva? No really, let's see...

Louise? Teddar? Miss? Please don't make me go on...I will share what I had to put up with, but only for you. The crack of dawn. sigh.
