I don't know if I should be posting this here, but anyway. My AntiVirus program


Well-known member
(Webroot) needs to be renewed by Feb 1st. I've used this for years but recently they changed their format which I don't like. Any suggestions for another one or what about the free download ones? Thanks for your help.

Don't get Kaspersky through Best Buy. Bought & paid for yearly update and still got viruses. Which

Best Buy then charged me another $283 to remove. And my PC computer STILL doesn't work right.

Here's a quote from the Best Buy manager: "Well, I see that you bought virus protection and I see that you've paid for this year's updates, but new viruses come out every day and we can't catch them all. There's nothing I can do."

At first I was too shocked to say anything, but then my mouth took over my brain: "But this shows I have up-to-date virus insurance. That's what I paid you for...to insure that I don't get viruses. And if I do, it's YOUR responsibility to get rid of them---for FREE---because I have virus insurance."

Nah. Nothing happened. They wouldn't fix it. Kaspersky wouldn't fix it and I needed my computer back to work at home. So I paid their hostage fee.

But what I CAN DO is warn others NOT TO BUY THIS from BEST BUY.

PS: Oh, and here's the best part. This whole miserable scenario lasted most of last year. A few weeks ago Best Buy called to say my Kaspersky yearly update fee was due and if I didn't give them a new credit card----I WOULDN'T be protected from viruses!!!


I'm with Meryl and Jean. I use the free version of AVAST, and it does a good job...

...of catching and removing any 'nasties' I pick up. It doesn't slow my computer down like some of the bigger names (rhymes with "norton") tended to do.

Plus, it has a cool piratey name.

Michael (Aaaaar!)

I'm a volunteer with the AARP free income tax preparation service, and we changed our anti-virus

software this year. AARP Tax-Aide is a nationwide program, and AARP used AVG until this year. AARP is recommending Microsoft Security Essentials(MSE), a free download from Microsoft that is simple to install,and runs in the background.

Our State (Alabama) technical guru switched from AVG to MSE and MSE found two viruses that AVG hadn't detected. It's very easy to install.

We use Spybot Search & Destroy (anti-malware) and Avira Anti-Virus Personal

Both are free, and both were selected by my better half, the computer-science/programmer/math whiz. We've never had a problem (knock on wood). smileys/smile.gif

You guys are the greatest. I'm going to try AVAST. I haven't downloaded things very much so I hope

I can do it. Will let you know. Thanks again.

I'm a Mac guy but for Windows

I always start with Avast and AdAware. Both are free. As far as quality, just within the past month I uninstalled an active version of Mcafee/Norton (Paid) and immediately installed Avast. Avast found something Norton had missed.
Adaware is not antivirus per se but will find and deal with malware/spyware that antivirus many not.


That's precisely what happened to me. Uninstalled Norton, immediately installed Avast which

caught 2 things Norton had missed.

A MAC guy! I knew I liked you smileys/smile.gif I've always used AdAware and Norton at work and agree

with your summary. AdAware finds a lot that Norton misses. I'll have to check out Avast

My DH has a desktop MAC and loves it. The next laptop I get is going to be a MAC.

I little more expense but I'm worth it.
