I don't know if this would apply to anyone, but I just started using the Square.


Well-known member
It is a little white square credit card reader that plugs into your iPhone or other smart phone. Then you download the app and after linking your Square account to your bank account, you are able to take credit cards from customers. I have been using it for a couple weeks and have had sales that I wouldn't have had if I didn't have it. The Square is free and so is their service, well, there isn't a monthly charge, but they do take 3% of your sales, but that is well worth it.https://squareup.com/?gclid=CJSbv5HA2q8CFeVgTAodHR-__Q

We've started using it at the community gardens for selling T-shirts and things. It's great!

I've come across a lot of businesses down here that won't take credit or debit cards for

sales under $10.00. I've heard that having a credit card/debit gizmo is very expensive. I see you've found a way around that and thanks for sharing. A lot of people these days just don't carry cash and also like to track their expenditures online for their bank or credit card statements.

3 per cent is actually pretty expensive, but the convenience is worth it for remote locations

like Dawn's market.

As a merchant, I never understood the "sales under $10" rule. The percentage charged by the card

company is the same no matter what the total. Businesses that decide to take credit cards should already expect this percentage. There is about a 20-cent charge per credit transaction. I was never willing to inconvenience a customer for 20 cents!

For debits the per-transaction fee is a little higher but still under $1.00, and there is no percentage charged.

The terminals used to be quite expensive but still, you're paying monthly whether you use them or not. They've also gotten much cheaper in recent years.

Actually, the "under $10" rule is in violation of most of these contracts so you'll notice businesses soft sell it, as in "please respect our minimum $10 purchase, etc." It's only a request.

Now, when it comes to refunds, the business is charged the percentage coming and going, so if you return something it costs the merchant double the processing fee, about 5%, plus two transaction fees. Small boutiques can't afford returns the way department stores can. Jacques won't give refunds at his store on credit card purchases--just store credit. People get quite irate even though it is posted at the register.

$10 minimum...

In NYC the sigs just say "$10 minimum for credit card" nothing suggestive or delicate about it.

I routinely report stores that have a sign posted to the credit card companies - plus, I don't buy from them, unless it's an emergency, and there is rarely a deli/bodega emergency!

I think they mainly don't want ANY purchases under $10, which seems short-sighted.

But really, no deli/bodega emergencies? I have them daily.

IN NYC you have at leat 3 deli/bodegas/supermarkets within 2 blocks...

so if one won't take a cc, the next one will!
my favourite local korean deli on the corner even lets me walk in with Gomez under my arm in a pinch, and they have an excellent Mexican grill dude who makes me chilaquiles, even though they are not on the menu

Chilaquiles are food of the gods! I'd be ten pounds thinner if I'd never heard of them.

geez...all I have to do is SEE the darm (sic) (trying not to swear online) word and I want them.

Anyone know a version that meets my "1200 calorie a day" limit??

There's a Mexican restaurant nearby, run by a Phoenix family for a couple of ...

...generations now. They serve chilaquiles that really hit the spot! So good.

They do catering, and it's available in a large tray for take-out as well. I see people carrying trays of it out whenever I'm there with the family waiting for a table.

Good stuff.

