I don't say thank you all enough because there is really not a


Well-known member
day that goes buy that we are not eating something that I probably picked up on this forum. For instance, yesterday was Coconut Lime Pulled Chicken Tostadas that I saw after Richard in Cinnci posted it and I could not ever express how much we love this. And it is crazy what John will go through to get these on the menu! To the point of coming home with a rotisserie chicken and suggest maybe we could have them.

And today we had butterflied breaded shrimp with Pat's Coconut Cilantro rice and sliced avocado. Just perfect!

And that is just 2 days. I can't even say how many other recipes from this site I use. So thank you all.

I can't find the link for Richard's post but here is the recipe.

Coconut Lime Pulled Chicken Tostadas

1/2 rotisserie chicken, meat removed & shredded

1/2 cup coconut milk

1/4 tsp cumin

Zest & juice of 1/2 lime

Splash hot sauce

salt & pepper to taste

2Tbsp. cup chopped cilantro

diced small red onion

sliced avocado


Combine chicken, coconut milk, cumin, juice & zest & hot sauce. Cook until heated through & thick. Taste for salt & pepper & adjust to taste. Stir in cilantro. Serve in tortillas topped with chopped onion & avocado slice.

(fresh tomato, red onion, cilantro, guacamole, tomatillo salsa, and sour cream)


Good to know, as dh has recently become a fan of them! ((How does that happen! After many years of

saying he does not like raw onions, he now enjoys them!!))

I'm not a Dr. but, for me, when I have to take a lot of antibiotics I have drastic changes in taste.

In 1995 my appendix burst and I was being pumped with 4 different antibiotics for 8 days. Having been severely lactose intolerant for many years I could suddenly eat all dairy without a problem. I also started eating fin-fish with a gusto I never had before.

I was a 2 scotch and sodas before dinner and a glass or two of wine with dinner kinda guy. Then along came a bout with pneumonia with 15 days of antibiotics and I lost all taste for daily scotch and/or wine. That was 5 years ago. I do have a martini on Friday nights or I'll make a more exotic cocktail. But scotch and soda just doesn't do it for me anymore.

I don't know if this is what is going on with your dh, but it did happen to me. However, I know that there is not enough antibiotics in the world to change my tastebuds so they could eat Brussels sprouts or okra.

Hmmm... I am going to mull that one over, Dr. Michael. There has been a change in his meds.. Hmm

You're welcome, just for the record this is how we like to have them.

We treat these as tostadas.
Crispy fried flat corn tortillas topped with:
Shredded chicken cooked with coconut milk, lime zest, lime juice, splashes of hot sauce, salt and paper, all to our taste.
Topped with shredded lettuce, diced red onion guacamole or slices of avocado, sour cream and hot sauce.
Enjoy the wonderful deliciousness!!
