i feed it to my dog.

I've never understood the extra step to dicing onions. If you halve it, cut through it

vertically following the curve of the onion, you can then cut it crosswise and it will naturally fall into diced pieces without the more difficult step of cutting into it horizontally. A couple of knife strokes takes care of the piece at the end. Works for me.

I would ask if a beginning cook needs to know how to ...

...segment citrus fruit before knowing how to de-bone a chicken breast, or cut up a whole chicken for frying?

Just my thoughts...


It's a great list, but I agree with Michael that cutting up a chicken should be on it.

The best chickens are usually only sold whole, and learning to cut them up yourself saves a bundle of money over time, especially since you can save the bones for stock.

I still can't filet an orange.



Well-known member
this would be an excellent printout to give to a beginning cook, tucked into an easy cookbook. nice

My problem is what to do with that last 1/2 inch or so. They NEVER show on cooking shows or they >

just toss out. I can't seem to bring myself to do that....
