I found this completely by accident through google which lead to EPI. The timing was just when EPI


Well-known member
changed for those of you who had been dedicated to that forum. I was a complete novice to any type of forum and this seems like the time to tell those of you affected by the change that your anguish and confusion was loud and clear. To an outsider, following the pieces that led to FK was intriguing, but only because of the passion involved. And following your "welcomes" to new and old friends who find FK makes me glad that, after all, you found a new home.

I live on Cape Cod but I am a city girl at heart. Still, I love the natural beauty of the Cape and my husband of 26 years (Yikes!) and I love it here. I am a lawyer with my own firm and have been blessed with a growing business, thanks to many hard working people. My husband is a special ed teacher who works with behavior children. Tough work, sad stories.

We have two dogs, no children. I love to cook but I also eat a lot of jarred sauce and pasta because of my schedule. I feel lucky to have a great family, friends and neighborhood. And I love learning from FK.
