I get to bake tomorrow! So excited. :)

Just saw the questions here...

Let's see, what did I bake? Oh, Nigella Lawson's Clementine Cake, which was wonderful, and the Blender Cheesecake, which was also good.

Kitchen remodel is on hold until we refill our coffers from the last year of disastrous economy. Hopefully we can do it in a year or two. I'm still cooking with the electric stove, which I don't like for cooking, but it's wonderful for baking. Ideally, I'd like a gas cook top and electric oven.

Yes, I only get to bake on Saturdays. Full-time job + Baby + Husband = Not Much Time. smileys/smile.gif

You're so right about the gas cook-top and electric oven. I made the

mistake of getting all gas and hopefully you'll be able to start the project sooner.
