I got my King Arthur flour yesterday. Did you know they were asking for stories?


I'm using mine for oatmeal cookies tonight for this week's Military Donation table stint.

**Oatmeal Cookies with Raisins & Walnuts

**Oatmeal Cookies with Raisin dipped in White Chocolate (for those who hate nuts in their cookies)

**Oatmeal Cookies with Walnuts dipped in Dark Chocolate (for those who hate raisins in their cookies)

Too bad this won't make for a funny story. I've made these often enough now that I won't screw up royally.


I had mine sent to my fil's in San Diego. We're heading over there in a couple...

...of hours for a vacation.

I'm going to be making ravioli with the boys and their cousins! Thanks for the wonderful recipes you guys gave me a few weeks back, it should be quite the adventure.

We're also going to visit 'the Mouse' for a few days! Woo Hoo!!!!


I must have used up my quota of "aw, cr

other than the organic dry milk flinging a powdery dust all over the kitchen (class, pay attention and turn down the KitchenAid to 0.005 speed or you will end up looking like a 1985 NYSE stock broker doing blow).

...or when I tried to be efficient and "save time" by putting 16 scoops of dough per sheet instead of 12...and then had to spend 15 minutes separating and hand-molding the single, heaving mass of baked dough back into 16 individual cookies. Ya...saved me a huge chunk of time, that did.

And then there was that trick to remembering which tray had only raisins and which tray had only nuts and which bloody tray had both, since they all looked exactly alike. Hopefully the Nuts Only has the chocolate edge and the No Nuts, Raisins Only has the white chocolate.
