I have a friend who loves brioche buns and I'd like to make these for her. I really don't

You don't need to buy a huge box

Check your stores, they may carry a smaller package.

I recently bought a plastic pouch that has a zip closure and it is less than half the amount that the boxes contain.

You can usually buy dry milk at a bulk food store if you ahve that. The milk

is a tenderizer of the dough.
I was actually thinking about this very thing the other day for making my Moravian sugar cake. The problem I see is the equivalence of the milk to the dry. Looking at your recipe, I would probably just use milk instead of the water since there isn't any other liquid.

Cyn, the dry milk is needed. It makes a difference.

It makes a big difference to the flavor. I've made these and it is a really good recipe. Without the dry milk the taste would be blah. The dry milk adds depth to the flavor.

You can always go to Amazon and buy a small amount- here is a link to a packet that would make only 2 qts of reconstituted milk.


I will reiterate that you need the dry milk. Do not reconstitute it. Do not use regular milk.
