I have a ham bone and some corn on the cob. Was interested in making corn chowder using the


Well-known member
crockpot (too hot here!) Anyway, any suggestions? Lots of different recipes / techniques in books / on the net. Most call for canned corn or frozen. Also, there's inconsistency on how to use the ham bone. Some suggest throwing everything in the pot and let it do it's magic. Others suggest making ham broth for a few hours then using that as the base of the corn chowder. Any thoughts / suggestions / recipes? Ive never made / served corn chowder before, it seems so.... well summery!



Barb, I would suggest trying . . .

One of the recipes where you throw it all into the crock pot and cook.

I would save the corn for a while, and throw it in just a couple of hours before serving, but that is just me being picky.

Also, I see no reason why you could not use fresh corn from the cob, cut off and thown it to cook whenever you wish; you would probably need to wait until the crock liquid was hot and simmering. This would probably be great as not only could you use the corn cut freshly off of the cob, but you could use the back of of a knife to scrape juicy good stuff off of the cut cob and add it to the crock too.

Please let me know what recipe you decide to use, as I have ham bones in the freezer too, and can get corn and have plenty of zuchinni to add to the pot!
