I have a HUGE request! Could we have your vote?


Well-known member
The local farm where we have had our farm share from the past 2 years is in the running for some much needed funding to help the town community garden.

And, it's a fun video!

Your vote for the Westford Agricultural Commission entry would be greatly appreciated!

Here is the link and our entry is top row, second from the left. Voting is open until 11/22.


Many Thanks! If you could share with friends, that would help too!


Facebook provides a simple means for other websites to verify votes and minimize

but it also makes it so that folks like you and I who do not FB to not be able to participate. FB comes with most cell phones now, and you cannot get rid of the logo.

We're closing the gap between 1st and 2nd place...thank you and keep voting!

The 3 top vote getters receive funding, but the higher we get, the more we get? Not sure, but can't hurt to try!

Thanks to all.

Yes, and that is exactly why I do not participate in FB, that and so many more reasons

I find FB popping up on other websites now, as well. preventing me from reading the text unless I sign up. It popped up on a Pinterest page one day and I could not continue without joining FB....not going to happen.

Even If I cannot vote Judy, I wish you luck in the competition, I loved the video

seeing all the kids participating was pure joy. Brought back memories of things our kids did like that with groups.

Only once, I'm afraid...

unless you have multiple FB pages.

We are out in front for the moment, but time is not up yet.

Thanks to all who have helped out! This is a terrific group!
