Saudi Arabia for to long so today I made some. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to get as close as possible to the ones there and I pretty much nailed it. I used this chicken seasoning from Jeff Mauro of FN. Delicious! I broiled the chicken and sliced. Slathered yogurt garlic sauce on a nice fresh Toufayan flatbread, Layered on the chicken and topped with long thin spears of dill pickle, cucumber, roma tomatoes, sliced red onion, parsley leaves and because some of the shawarma stand used a few French fries I did too. I think it was the Afghanis but it might have been the Egyptians. Drizzled on more garlic sauce, folded and wrapped in tin foil. Pretty darn close to what I used to get and made me really happy. I'm a happy girl.