I have been so upset about Meryl. I miss waking up in the morning with her suggested links


Well-known member
Always a fun way to start my day.

Anyway, I have been struggling with what to do. I'm not a baker, so that is not an option. I am not really a fan of chocolate, so that is not an option....

So I decided to make a donation to eat.at in her honor. I think she would be happy and smile.

Thanks for listening. I know we are unhappy, just sharing how I am working through it. ((So sad!!))



That is a very nice gesture.....

.... I am also very upset about her death.

as I am about the Malaysian plane, but let's just not go into that. Too many lives loss over what? NOTHING.

Let me join yr club, barb_b. I stirred up a batch of choc chunk cookies last night & kept thinking

about Meryl the whole time I was baking them, and IT WASN'T EVEN HER RECIPE. But it had chocolate in it and "Chocolate = Meryl" in my little pea brain. Sigh. Obviously, it's going to take me (us) a long time to come to grips with the situation. I know that's entirely normal when it comes to grieving, but it is still the pits.
You also reminded me that last December I made a donation to 'eat.at' in Lou's name-- how in the world can it be that I now have the opportunity to do so again, but in Meryl's name? Unbelievable.
Thanks so much for your comments. I feel glad of the chance to talk about Meryl with someone who knew her as I did. I am also realizing that I actually came to the site this morning looking for someone to have posted as you did. It was 5 AM when I logged on.
PS to Meryl: I know you are grinning from ear to ear because you saw me eat 4 cookies last night. Count them....F-O-U-R huge ones went down in your name. That search AngAk1 recently did w/ the key words 'devil' and 'Meryl' was spot on. lol. God bless your heart anyhow! You are sorely missed.

Even though I don't post often, I read this site every day. I too have made a donation in Meryl's

So very sad.


So sad to hear about Meryl. She will be greatly missed.

Even though I'm not around the swap much anymore, I still visit often and will miss Meryl. Thanks for the idea for donations to the swap. I just made one, but didn't see anyway to note that it was in Meryl's memory.
