I have ducks but the 2 huge ones attacked the wee egg-laying one so...


Well-known member
one of these...the meanest is being eaten tonight.

I am doing this in a slow cooker, I have done the whole concept as one does CathyZ's chicken, set the bird on veg.

I did not know quite what liquid to use in place of stock but as I had some prunes soaking in whiskey I used that juice and some Mediterrean spiced sea salt.....

OH AND should the bird be breast side down in the slow cooker or is it OK to have it breast side up?

Any ideas on how long to slow cook the duck (I am trying not to end up with a tough bird) before putting it in the oven to roast for the finaly hour.

I have no idea on the cooking, but what you're doing

should improve the behavior of the little ones!!! (Look what happened to HIM!!!!)

Yep. A new form of discipline. Poor old Martha lost Henry this spring and she moped around

the pool for 2 weeks. It was so sad. She wouldn't eat, wouldn't jump up to us.

She used to ignore him a lot, until he had gone off on his own, and when he returned, she would be dancing and peeping like a bird in love. It was so cute. One day, she came back on her own and he never did. And now with the pool open, she returns no more.

I really don't think it will make a difference, back up or breast up; think about. . .

how you will be dipping off fat from the bird, if you have left the skin on. There has been a lot of fat on the ducks I have cooked.

If you have skinned the duck then I would cook it breast down and add some mild chicken broth with some aromatics to add flavor.

i'd cook it half down for about 3/4 of the time to let the bird self baste...

then fil it over to brown the breast.

Eww, I could never eat anything I raised. I know I'd make an awful

farmer, but just a side note: I doubt that the ducks will realize that their friend is gone because he was being mean :eek:(

reminds me of the joke about the parrot...

A man had a parrot that was always misbehaving....nothing he did made it stop...so one day, he put the parrot in the freezer for just a minute...when the parrot came out, it was VERY polite and well-behaved...the man rejoiced...later that night the parrot said."may i ask what the chicken did?"
