I have yet again a help question on ideas from you please...


Well-known member
It has been suggested I put forward a recipe proposal to a supermarket. I would like to do a monthly chart and daily recipes.....

Any of you who do like to get this from their supermarkets or got any ideas please pass them along to me.

The yummy Andronico's market has recipe "cards" about 5"x6"

Sometimes with a photo, sometimes not. They have a holder and these cards are stacked in there by the entrance so you can grab a recipe and then go shop for it. I haven't tried them as I have such a great source of recipes here (((hugs))).

What a compliment! A local chain of ours, Wegmans, has had them for a while. They

make them long (11.5 inches) by about 4 inches wide, with 3 holes to put into a 3-ring binder if you want to. They also sell the little binders too.

They have them located near the produce section and of course, to promote their produce and other store-brand products.

Woman's Day used to have a monthly recipe page in the magazine. I don't know if it still does. NT

Agree with Dawn, Wegmans does a wonderful job. Not just in the recipe/tasting...But also in their

product placement. They have the recipe as well as all the ingredients together in a special spot. Makes it so easy for a quick dinner. Pick up recipe and literally can leave the store in 5 minutes w/o having to go down various aisles for the ingredients. Really smart marketing.


Supermarkets in our area often feature recipes in newspaper ads.

The recipes are often to promote seasonal items or specials. Two local chains have put in small cooking areas featuring their recipes so you can sample some of them. Often the recipes simply use a product the store is featuring by embellishing on a basic use - like a stir-fry using a meat, a sauce, vegetables that are all available at the store. Sometimes you can watch the recipe being made, but more often it is available in sample size portions along with the recipe and coupons for one or more of the ingredients. This has been so successful for one store, that they are offering cooking classes. They also tried the idea of a binder, and each week you pick up the recipe of the week to add to the binder. After filling 2 binders (volume 1 and 2), they went to sheets of paper with their recipes. All these recipes were developed by their "corporate chef" who also had some duties in their catering and deli sections.
Don't know what you had in mind, but hope this helps

Wednesday seems to be Food Section Day for lots of newspapers. Our local TV morning show does a

food segment too on Wednesdays, and the recipe and ingredients are available at the Natural Foods store---displayed on a table like KC mentions. perhaps just a once a week recipe/menu would be a good way to start.
