I just had a post removed at the other Swap. . .

I'm not mistral, but I go there about once a week or so. Most times it's just...

...to see if any regulars have shown up looking for the Swap, and then I can direct them here.

I do answer an occasional post, but not often.


Michael, mistral isn't goatsucker. Goatsucker was responding

to the fact that the Epi police had removed one of mistral's posts.

What did you say? The thread is very much there but nothing from you.

Why don't you post it here so we get the idea of what they are removing. I didn't see it--they must read really quickly.

My posts were responses within the link I gave, but only it (my post) was removed. . .

I even looked up my history (mistral) and the post that I had made was not listed in my posting history.

The thread is there, by my response is not.

I gues I am like Michael, but there is also the morbid curiosity. . .

Of watching an accident in progress. I guess I sorta keep hoping that Epi might come to their senses and do something, but the hope not going to be realized. Epi just does not care.

This site, thanks to Finer Kitchens and Mimi, is soo much more lively and enjoyable!

The Bubba in New Orleans post and string on epi made me send...

...a private message to the epi editor.

Their standard response to any string that directs a user to this board is to welcome them like old friends and ask them to stay with all the other "friendly people" who now post there.

What a load of hooey. If they hadn't been so witless in how they destroyed that board, they wouldn't have to have an "editor" constantly try to counter every time this board is mentioned.

I PM'd the 'epi editor' that posted to the string and asked, "do you even have the slightest idea who Bubba is?".

It's so stupid. And I have to say that I hope the editor is lurking here, and reads this very post.


isn't it amazing that the EPI editor rolls out the welcome wagon when they wouldn't give us the ....

time of day before? and to delete posts? how sad for them.

I think that who ever is the "epicurious editor" must be low man on the totem pole. . .

in charge of keeping things friendly at the new swap.

--Seeing as not too many other people welcome newcomers over there; no community, you know?

Dawn and Cyndi - why does epi list your posts as a measily...

"4" and "3" for both of you? You've both had many more posts than that there!

The thread starter said something about. ..

how the swap had been ruined and epi didn't care and she said it very short-and-sweetly. Didn't use rude language but did cast aspersions upon Epi.

I said something like , Gorsh, I wish I had said that and I agreed with her.

Really petty, gripey (but true) stuff.

Yes, sorry - I saw that you included that in your first post. How true, I never...

go there anymore!
