I just ordered Food Network magazine from their site


Well-known member
for $12/year and a free tote bag. That is a pretty darn good price. It might make a great Xmas gift for someone.

Plus you'll love it! I don't know if you're getting it for the first time

or not but it is really a great food magazine. I enjoy it every single month!

Amazon has a deal for the Food network mag. for 5.00 for five issues but it comes with a 6 month

automatic renewal.

Auto renewal comes with a premium price. I get most of my renewals through Discount Magazines

website. If you sign up for their emails, they sometimes have really great prices for some magazines, some at $5-$6 a year and most allow renewals but some don't. Unfortunately, they don't carry Food Network Magazine yet and I've not found a way to get discounted rates for it.


I don't understand. I put FN into my cart and went to check out

without any problem. I even went back and put 1 gift and 1 new subscription and still made it through to checking out.

I'm so sorry the link did not work for you. Colleen

Colleen, I didn't receive the email about the sale either. Perhaps they stagger them to make

processing easier. My husband got a different offer and Food Network was on it but it said not available to those who already had subscriptions. I don't understand their methods but dh said I'm now subscribed through 2016 so I'm good for awhile. I hope you enjoy the magazine!
