I just saw my first robin of the season! Four of them, all lined up and

yay for Spring Robins! still waiting for ours. but the pussy willows are budding up through the

snow. Our one dog has springtime skin allergies and I bet it's the willows. she gets to wear the cone of shame today

Meanwhile, an industrious little woodpecker is trying to, singlehandedly, take down our phone pole

when I lived in Nome, the first robin of spring would perch up on top of the emergency siren and

just sing its heart out. we looked for that every year.

They can be nasty! I heard one hear about a week ago. I literally was outside in the early am, in

my slippers, trying to see if woodpecker was on our home or my neighbors. I have heard / seen alot of damage caused by them. So far, they have not hit our house. BUT, last year they were down the street. It was quite expensive to repair all of the damage.
