I just tried my first Meyer lemon. Tasted like bitter orange... is that right?


Well-known member
I've been trying new things that I've heard people raving about over the years, and so far, not so good... first the San Marzano tomatoes. I'll save 2 a can and get the store brand, which are quite good.

I bought a little bag of them at Walmart and anticipating that they'd be sweet, cut one open and tasted a little of the juice on my finger. Bleeecchhh! "Bitter orange" was the first thing I thought of. No lemon taste to it whatsoever. Did I get - excuse the pun - a "lemon"?

I do find the orange flavour, but not so bitter-acidic as you describe. In fact,

I thought that with the orangy flavour, they seem almost sweet.

Yes, you got an unripe batch! They aren't sweet, but a lot milder than regular ones and

Wonderful lemon taste. The fruit, uncut, should smell lemony too

Yeah, I have a tree and that's not right. Bet they are from SA

I got some in the store awhile back before mine were ripe and they were from Ecuador. Tasted like crap. Not even close to the same thing - and I paid a pretty penny too.

They are in season now in the states, WF might have some. Those would likely be better - ask where they come from.

They taste like lemon with a hint of orange for sweetness/knock down the tart. They smell like heaven.

I know lots of folks who don't care for it.......

.. to me, it has a "perfumy" taste. Not quite sure how else to describe it.

I don't quite define it as a lemon or a bitter orange, it's a separate entity in my book, and I happen to love it. But if someone is expecting a regular citrus flavor, chances are the person will be disappointed.

I don't taste it as bitter at all, though.

I think of it as a "softer" lemon taste. Meyer curd seems to taste "sweeter" than

the same curd made with plain old regular lemons.

Or that could just be me hallucinating. Again.

We don't have Whole Foods around here. I wonder if mine will ripen if I leave

them out (right now they are in the refrigerator).

Yes, I had heard good things about them, but mine are not as good as regular lemons right now :eek:(

"Perfumy" is a perfect description. It has its own scent, unlike either lemon or orange.

While it's sweeter than a regular lemon it's still to sour to bite into!

I have a bush of them, but for some recipes (my lemon bars, for instance) I go for conventional lemons.
