I know I'll probably cause a riot here, but I have to say "I Can't Stand Oprah"


Well-known member
I've just had it with her. Years back she's rolling out wheelbarrows filled with fat and lookin like a skinny person, then she decides that ain't workin, so she figures out other ways to eat as much as she wants, and now she's hauling out that cute little gay guy from Queer Eyes and he's stripping women down to their underwear in front of the whole world.

I'm sorry, but some of those women do not and never will look good in their underwear. No more than I would look good in mine. Am I the only one here that has no illusions about my naked body? Those women don't make me feel any better. It just makes me realize I'm never getting any where near naked in front of a camera.

She's getting out of control. She has a "destiny" and some of those snotty rich women she puts on her show just need a good slap.

I don't want to go to India to find my true self. My true self is right here and my fat butt is staying right here behind me where it belongs.

If 50 is the new 30, I haven't seen hide nor hair of it around my house.

Maybe if Oprah gave me her millions, I'd feel as comfortable in my skin as she sometimes does in hers.

I can't watch her anymore. She's getting too big for her britches.

I'm with you!

I have never liked her and I never will, self-righteous, obnoxious and condescending, patronising... I could go on and on

I did not know Oprah was sponsoring the "Do I look good naked?

show. I can't even imagine that she would do that. What strange new beliefs are these. I watch her at least once a week and have not seen any thing like this.

But of course!

First I gotta write that best seller. Better get on that...

(Hmm...I have an idea about a boy wizard--British boarding school sort of book. Oh. I guess that's been done. Or how about a female literary detective who can move in and out of books...no, that's been done too. Shoot...it's pretty hard to come up with an original idea!)

Actually, when I lived in Chicago, I always had a sneaking desire to go see Oprah's show--you know, in the spirit of observing a natural phenomena. I've driven past a couple of times before people are let in and the line is around the block. Tickets are VERY difficult to get.

It's a TV term when the show has gone one too many episodes past it's prime.

they often mention this with Happy Days and an episode with the Fonz. Can't remember the episode(gee, wonder why), but it was definitely time for the series to end.
